marți, 19 noiembrie 2013


Stii ca nu am timp sa stau dupa tine... Stii ca am atat de multe de facut , dar se pare ca nu iti pasa!
Stai si aiurezi, delirezi... visezi!
 Ma dezgusti!

Uh te rooog, macar incearca sa te pui in locul meu ! Am un program asa incarcat, daca si tu stai asa ravasita, cum o sa ma descurc?
Te implor, uita-te la mine si spune-mi ce ai !
Vreau sa te uiti la mine, nu prin mine...

Stiu unde-ai vrea sa fii si ce ai vrea sa faci, dar nu se poate. Degeaba stai melancolica rezemata de fereastra, afara nici nu ploua, nici nu ninge- cadrul dramaic ti-a fost distrus. Lasa pierderile astea de lume, nu-s de tine in momentul asta.

 TU ne distrugi!
TU ne distrugi !

Intr-o calatorie ludica din vis i-am citit gandurile. Se delecta cu imagine diafane si cuvinte pompoase.
" N-am iubit-o decat noaptea. Ea-mi era noaptea, de fapt. Cand soarele-si cobora genele asupra boltei azurii, ea isi facea simtita prezenta. Se strecura pe usa, tragea draperiile si se tavalea in pat. Era mai ceva ca o pisica. Se catara in varful patului si ma invita sa o insotesc. Ea nu vorbea niciodata, ci doar soptea. Imi soptea cu glas ragusit si slabit, intinzandu-si mainile spre tavan, ca eu i-am adus cunoasterea. Imi torcea la ureche ca o pisoica in calduri, apoi se rostogolea jos din pat si se refugia dupa fotolii asteptand sa ma rog de ea sa ma intorc. Mi-a jucat timpul pe degete.
Toate astea pana am cunoscut-o pe sors'sa. Daca ea parea vie doar noaptea, sau doar atunci activa in realitate, a ei sora nu se multumea cu intunericul. O stiam toti dinainte sa ne fi spus cineva de ea. : era pustoaica care chicotea mereu. Avea miscari iuti, neslefuite fata de sor'sa. Te cantarea rapid din ochi si apoi isi schimba centrul de interes. Mergea sprintena prin campus fara sa ne bage in seama. Se uita prin tine, de fapt se uita la tine ca sa iti invete gusturile. Cu greu am ajuns sa-i cunosc eu  gusturile.
Garsoniera ei era scaldata in culoare. Nu cred ca putea vreodata trai impreuna, erau prea diferite. Un pat generos incadrat de perne de culoare pufului trona in mijlocul incaperii. Oglinzi, lumanri, luminite, candelabru, veioze. Cred ca ea si ea se alimenta cu energie elcrica la cate intrerupatoare avea in casa. Ea mi-a jucat spatiu pe degete. Mi-a acaparat mintea, mi-a confiscat orgoliul, mi-a anulat aspiratiile si m-a tintuit locului. Desigur, eram singurul care respecta regulile acestea,  domnisoarele  probabil doar se amuzau grozav la amurg probabil cand reuseau sa se intrevada."

duminică, 17 noiembrie 2013

opt. timis. t

'I have a confession to make : I AM AN OPTIMIST!' încã îmi rãsunã în cap începutul eseului tipului din cartea aia...
Şi ce frumos sunã! Te-ai inspirat tu, copile, din opera lui F. Scott Fitzgerald sau aşa ai fost plãmãdit ?
Şi ce vis frumos! Ori aţa albã cu care-i cusut nu ne mai prezintã interes, noi promovãm idei şi culori!

Am sã mã învãlui în şaluri şi am sã-mi cos un conac din mohair. Acolo o sã-mi desenez pereţii cu gândurile tale. Pe tavan o sã avem planurile tale de viitor. O sã avem ferestre primitoare si grandioase, ca sã putem echilibra realitatea cu ideile-ţi iluminate. O sã avem şi piscinã, aşa, de dragul dramatismului.

Şi nu glumesc! O sã-mi reliefez visul prin culori! Or sa ia ocazional forme ~frapante şi captivante~ ,  cu greu o sã te laşi de mine.

joi, 14 noiembrie 2013

but that's just me

Am sa va zambesc pan-am sa va zapacesc!
Am sa va fur sufletul si am sa-l vand norilor!
Am sa zbor cu visele voastre deeparte, depaarte!
Poate-poate o-ti veni sa vi le revendicati

marți, 5 noiembrie 2013


Eu m-am nãscut în vis. Din vãluri pastelate m-au nãscocit. Aspre fire de azbest ţin aproape nelãmuritele figuri ce mã compun.
Mã discompun. Şi prind forme în lumea nouã. Şi e luminã, şi e vânt. Şi e culoare, uh, ãsta-i pãmânt ?
M-am fragmentat ca sã mã poţi vedea, îţi place ?
M-am pierdut ca sã mã poţi gãsii. M-au rãtãcit semnalele tale neclare. Ce-mi faci ?

Uneori visez cã trãiesc altundeva, undeva departe. Uneori visez cã trãiesc. Visez cã trãiesc ?
Ỉnainte trãiam ca sã visez. Vedeam valuri felurite prin vãzduhuri ticluite.

Sã dansãm pentru azi ! Dar şi mai mult pentru mâine !
Sã cântam himerele lãsate-n urmã! Ca ele sã nu se mai întoarcã
Sã mã porţi pe braţe, pe braţele Dunãrii !
Şi sã m-azvârli în mare !

Am sã-ţi rãpesc prezenţa şi-am sã ţi-o duc altundeva. N-am sã-ţi dau de ales.
Ai sã fugi ?

Eu am plecat din vis, acolo-am sã mã-ntorc.

sâmbătă, 2 noiembrie 2013

1. Go for a walk. Draw or list things you find on the the sidewalk.
2. Write a letter to yourself in the future.
3. Buy something inexpensive as a symbol for your need to create, (new pen, a tea cup, journal). Use it everyday.
4. Draw your dinner.
5. Find a piece of poetry you respond to. Rewrite it and glue it into your journal.
6. Glue an envelope into your journal. For one week collect items you find on the street.
7. Expose yourself to a new artist, (go to a gallery, or in a book.) Write about what moves you about it.
8. Find a photo of a person you do not know. Write a brief bio about them.
9. Spend a day drawing only red things.
10. Draw your bike.
11. Make a list of everything you buy in the next week.
12. Make a map of everywhere you went in one day.
13. Draw a map of the creases on your hand, (knuckles, palm)
14. Trace your footsteps with chalk.
15. Record an overheard conversation.
16. Trace the path of the moon in relation to where you live.
17. Go to a paint store. Collect ‘chips’ of all your favorite colors.
18. Draw your favorite tree.
19. Take 15 minutes to eat an orange.
20. Write a haiku.
21. Hang upside down for five minutes.
22. Hang found objects from tree branches.
23. Make a puppet.
24. Create an outdoor room from things you find in nature.
25. Read a book in one day.
26. Illustrate your grocery list.
27. Read a story out loud to a friend.
28. Write a letter to someone you admire.
29. Study the face of someone you do not like.
30. Make a meal based on a color theme. (i.e. all white).
31. Creat a museum of very small things.
32. List the smells in your neighborhood.
33. List 100 uses for a tin can.
34. Fill an entire page in your journal with small circles.Color them in.
35. Give away something you love.
36. Choose an object, draw the side you can’t see.
37. List all of the places you’ve ever lived.
38. Describe your favourite room in detail.
39. Write about your relationship with your washing machine.
40. Draw all of the things in your purse/bag.
41. Make a mini book based on the theme, “my grocery list”.
42. Create a character based on someone you know. Write a list of personality traits.
43. Recall your favorite childhood game.
44. Put postcards of art pieces/painting on the inside of your kitchen cupboard doors, so you can see them everyday (but not become deaf to them.)
45. Draw the same object every day for a week.
46. Write in your journal using a different medium (brush & ink, charcoal, old typewriter, crayons, fat markers.
47. Draw the individual items of your favorite outfit.
48. Make a useful item using only paper & tape.
49. Research a celebration or ritual from another culture.
50. Do a temporary art installation using a pad of post it notes & a pen.
51. Draw a map of your favorite sitting spots in your town/city. (photocopy it and give it to someone you like.)
52. Record all of the sounds you hear in the course of one hours.
53. Using a grid, collect various textures from magazine and play them off of each other.
54. Cut out all media for one day. Write about the effects.
55. Make pencil rubbings of six different surfaces.
56. Draw your garbage.
57. Do a morning collage.
58. List your ten most important things, (not including animals or people.)
59. List ten things you would like to do every day.
60. Glue a photo of yourself as a child into your journal.
61. Trasform some garbage.
62. Write an entry in your journal in really LARGE letters.
63. Collect some ‘flat’ things in nature (leaves, flowers). Glue or tape them into your journal.
64. Physically alter a page. (i.e. cut a hole, pour tea on it, burn it, fold it, etc.)
65. Find several color combinations you respond to in public. Document them using swatches, write where you found them.
66. Write a journal entry describing something “secret”. Cut it up into several pieces and glue them back in scrambled. 67. Record descriptions or definitions of subjects or words you are interested in, found in encyclopedias or dictionaries. 68. Draw the outline of an object without looking at the page. (contour drawing).
69. What were you thinking just now? write it down.
70. Do nothing.
71. Write a list of ten things you could to do. Do the last thing on the list.
72. Create an image using dots.
73. Do 3 drawings at different speeds.
74. Put a small object in your left pocket (or in a bag), Put your left hand in the pocket. Draw it by feel.
75. Create a graph documenting or measuring something in your life.
76. Draw the sun.
77. Create instructions for a simple everyday task.
78. Make prints using food. (fruit and vegetables cut in half, fish, etc.)
79. Find a photo. Alter it by drawing over it.
80. Write a letter using an unconventional medium.
81. Draw one object for twenty minutes.
82. Combine two activities that have not been combined before.
83. Write about your day in an encyclopedic fashion. (i.e. organize by subject.)
84. Write a list of all the things you do to escape.
85. Cut a random shape out of several layers of a magazine. Make a collage out of the results.
86. Write an entry in code.
87. Make a painting using tools from the bathroom.
88. Work with a medium that is subtractive.
89. Write about or draw some of the doors in your life.
90. Make a postcard that has some kind of activity on it.
91. Divise a journal entry using “layers”.
92. Divise an entry using “layers”.
93. Write your own definition of one of the following concepts, sitting, waiting, sleeping (without using the actual word.) 94. List 10 of your habits.
95. Illustrate the concept of “simplicity”.